The IT List: Sept. 29
Stick your fingers in your ears and scream out loud or come to terms with it: it’s almost coat weather. Accepting this is the first stage to recovery. The second is a romantic cape like this one from RW&CO. [FASHION Magazine]
Notably approved: custom suits that cost the fraction of their designer counterparts are starting to give labels like Hugo Boss and Armani a run for their pocket squares. [Notable]
The post-TIFF Toronto-wide hangover has long since dissolved, but this hasn’t stopped a few from reveling TIFF’s end at La Société. [Compendium Daily] (Also, we hereby promise to stop talking about TIFF. It’s almost October, we know.)
Goody spin pins have gone from simply revolutionizing the way we do our hair to “can’t live without them” status. Also, essie’s fall collection is super cute. [Broken Heel Diaries]
The Toronto Sun takes on cluttered vanities with cosmetic inspirations that offer multiple beauty solutions in one. [Toronto Sun]
Again with the spin pins! A collar-clutching breakthrough in messy-bun technology that’s like 20 bobby pins in one. [Style Blog]