Male Monday: Movember Madness
Fact: When pre-pubescent moustaches grow up, they want to be Tom Selleck’s moustache.
We couldn’t let the entire month of November Movember pass without a little tribute to the men who partake in this newish annual tradition. While the ladies of NKPR remain divided on the subject of dudes with lip shawls, we can definitely get behind the creativity of the Movember movement and the cause it supports (that’s prostate cancer, in case you’ve been distracted by Mr. Selleck up there).
Canadian girls apparently have their pick of the furry litter, with our home and native land leading the Movember charge at the half-way point of the campaign, with more than $16 million raised in the fight against prostate cancer. The initiative seems to have reached critical mass, with everyone from our friends in the media, to NHL players and our MPs growing a mo.
Also helping Movember grow from grassroots Australian initiative to inspired international charitable cause? No shortage of hilarious Movember-related web goodies.
Here’s some of the best we’ve seen this month:
• “Have Sex With A Guy With A Moustache” Day was last week, but that shouldn’t stop you from watching and laughing (out loud, even) at this promo video from Asylum. Totally NSFW, so headphones on friends.
• TOROMagazine.com’s #TOROStacheoftheDay tweets. Featuring everyone from Mr. Selleck to Ron Jeremy to Albert Einstein. December’s looking a little dull without the prospect of this daily gold.
NKPR doesn’t have a Movember team (maybe next year!), so if you haven’t already donated Team TOROMag could use your support.
Are you growing a stache this Movember, or have you donated to a Mo Bro? Who’s your fave celebrity stache? Tell us in the comments or tweet us @natashankpr.