Meet the Interns: Brooke Woolnough
Interns are an integral part of the team at NKPR – we’re always grateful for a few extra sets of hands especially during a busy season of spring previews!
Next up in our spring Meet the NKPR Interns series? Brooke Woolnough.
With a background in hospitality, Brooke heard about NKPR’s initiatives during the Toronto International Film Festival. After applying, she landed an internship here and the rest is history!
Part of the team for over 2 months now, Brooke has had the opportunity to work on a number of clients concentrating on strategic media relations, social media and event coordination!
Think you’re up to the challenge? Get in touch to learn more about our internship opportunities.
What are you studying and where?
“I graduated from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario form the Hotel Management program. After working several years in the hotel industry I had a change of heart and decided to leave hospitality and join the exciting world of Public Relations!”
Why PR?
“I decided to get into PR because I really enjoy working and meeting new people. In PR you get the opportunity to gain great relationships not only with your colleagues but with clients as well. I also really like putting on events and you get to do a lot of that as well.”
Salty or Sweet?
“100% sweet!! I always need a little sweet treat after every meal!”
Daily must-read:
“I really enjoy reading newspapers like The Globe and Mail on my way to work in the mornings. Keeps me updated on what’s happening in Toronto, around the world, as well as a bit of entertainment gossip.”
What’s the most exciting/bizarre thing that’s happened to you at NKPR?
“Just a few days ago was when I came into work, checked my e-mails and the first e-mail I saw was from one of the mangers thanking the team for all our hard work and treating us by bringing in two manicurists to give us all manicures in the office! Such a nice treat!”
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? How about now?
“When I was little I always imagined myself as a nurse. After realizing I don’t react well to blood I soon crossed that off. Now I am really enjoying learning the exciting world of PR and intend to stick with it!”
Facebook or Twitter?
“If you asked me that a month ago before working here I would have said Facebook, but now I am totally all about Twitter! Love how much information you can find out in only 140 characters!”
What company, brand of product would you love to work on?
“I really love researching recipes for food items as well as beverages so I’m really enjoying working on the PMA brands. I think Kiehl’s would be fun to work on as well.”
Favourite song-of the moment?
“I’m really into Florence And The Machine right now.”
What’s your idea of happiness?
“Family and health! As long as I’m healthy and have my family close by I’m a happy girl!”
TV Guilty Pleasure:
“I’m addicted to the Food Network but I also do catch myself watching things like; The Real Housewives, The Bachelor, and Keeeping up with the Kardashians from time to time.”