Natasha Speaks at Young Women of Influence
Last night the NKPR office migrated to the Rosewater, where the upstairs floor was abuzz with some impressive young women from almost every industry. The speaker for the night was our very own Natasha Koifman, who spoke to the importance of networking, sustaining relationships, and most of all, staying authentic. The room was filled with an incredible energy, clinking wine glasses, and a collective of women who were there to support each other (and we think that’s pretty amazing!).
Natasha’s advice for young women navigating their way through business networking? At first glance, it may appear that networking is yet another area that’s simply easier for those who are extroverted, that it comes more easily for the hyper-gregarious. But that’s not necessarily true. The key to networking lies in cultivating sincere relationships, creating personalized and intimate events, hand-in-hand with consistent practice and preparation, while still staying true to your own personality. Want to read more? Check out Natasha’s latest Huffington Post piece on just that, or follow last night’s conversation topics on @natashankpr #YoungWOI!
Natasha Koifman speaking to the audience about the importance of networking and how to go about creating lasting connections
Anne Klein graciously sponsored the evening’s attire (don’t Katherine Flemming, Sarah Boesveld, Erin Poetschke, and Maura Grierson look amazing in their personalized outfits?)