Madison Group: Media Relations

As the public relations agency of record for Madison Group since 2021, NKPR has led the public relations campaigns for all major real estate development launches.


Drive awareness and sales for Madison’s newest residential project, The Capitol, as an iconic new mid-rise luxury building and tribute to the Toronto landmark, The Capitol Theatre. 

What We Did

  • Developed a press release drawing attention to The Capitol’s heritage, unique amenities, creative design, and location
  • Managed all media relations for the launch, including press release dissemination, targeted pitching, preparing spokespeople, and coordinating interviews with media. 
  • Coordinated press photo shoots at The Capitol capturing images of the heritage building and the sales center with key Madison Group executives revealing plans for the project.
  • Supported a broker launch event by sourcing vendors, inviting the press, and writing key messages for executive speeches
  • Submitting The Capitol for BILD awards to establish Madison Group as a market leader and further drive awareness for The Capitol


  • Secured over 68.9 million impressions, including a feature story in The National Post (print and online, syndicated in 78 outlets) and a major story in the Toronto Star following a photoshoot (print and online; syndicated across four outlets)
  • Managed key messaging to ensure positive tones across all press coverage, highlighting Madison’s maintained key architectural features from the original Capitol Theatre. 
  • Secured Madison Group’s The Capitol as a finalist in two BILD award categories
  • Contributed to project sales – The Capitol was already over 50% sold two months after launch, which is highly uncommon for luxury condominium projects