International Women’s Day

March 5, 2020, 9:06 pm

This Sunday, March 8th marks International Women’s Day—a day of recognition where we celebrate all women and girls (and their achievements!), and shine a light on how we can make the world a better place for the females of tomorrow. In honour of this special day, we’re celebrating some of the incredibly talented and courageous female entrepreneurs that we work with at NKPR. We’ve asked them a few questions to help inspire and empower you on this day.

Happy International Women’s Day!


What does International Women’s Day mean to you in 2020?


“I constantly remind myself that if we want to change the world, really change the way women are treated on the street, in their workplace, in their relationships; we as women need to first support other women. We need to honour the women in our lives, we need to show respect to women we know and women we don’t know.  My goal for this year’s International Women’s Day is to honour all women, and work toward treating women equally whether they’re a part of my inner circle or not.”

SHANTELLE BISSONAuthor and Entrepreneur

“In 2020 International Women’s Day means more acceptance. Acceptance of who I’m and who I’m becoming. Encouraging all the ladies around me to do the same and really give into their unapologetic approach to individuality.”

ELLIE MAE  – Creative Director and Founder, Ellie Mae Studios

“Acknowledge and celebrate all women – mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues – as we all play an important role on this planet. I recently heard this quote which I love and think is fitting: “when women thrive, everyone thrives.”


What do you find the biggest challenge/opportunity for women in your industry to be?

“As it relates to female entrepreneurs, it’s easy. We simply deserve access to the same opportunities in business as men and currently that is very much not the case. In 2019, female founders only received 4% of venture capital funding in Canada and struggled in other areas of investment also. This isn’t ok and it needs to change.”

LEXI MILES – Founder & CEO of WAXON Waxbar + Laser and South

“Women need to trust that this industry is right for them even though they are marginally represented.”


“The fact that there aren’t many women in leadership levels in the cannabis industry. However, this is why I’m here. If I can take a risk and pave way for other women to do the same, then I will be fulfilled.”


“I believe it is so important to learn to love ALL versions of yourself as you are, as you change and as you evolve. I feel knowing your strengths and weaknesses and honouring your inner and outer beauty for who you are will allow you to shine in the beauty industry and connect deeper with your clients. As an entrepreneur, I feel it is especially important to show up, lift up, inspire, educate and empower women as much as possible!”

ALEXANDRIA SCARAMUZZO – Co-Founder, Beauty Besty

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #EachForEqual. What does this mean to you? What is one step you think we can take to support gender equality in the workplace?

“#EachForEqual means no matter the gender, we all have to do our part every day to create a more equal world, through changing our language in conversations, behaviour and actions. A great step would be to create more opportunities for recognition of leadership, pioneering and contribution in the workplace.”

DEENA PANTALONE – Chief Marketing/Innovation Officer, Venturon, Managing Partner and Director of Marketing & Innovation, National Homes

“For me, gender equality is not actually a gender issue at all. The quickest way to establish equality in the workplace is by just taking gender out of the equation entirely, and deal with equal work for equal pay.  Period. The end. People should be paid for their work, not their gender.”

SHANTELLE BISSONAuthor and Entrepreneur

“Becoming a mother has really opened my eyes more than ever to the sacrifices and challenging choices that women have to make when trying to achieve both their personal and professional dreams. I often find myself trying to understand, how do we expect women to ‘Lean In’ when working for companies that aren’t supporting the fact that we are different from men. We do have an extremely important role in life and decisions to make that most men will never face. Being a CEO with 150 women working for WAXON and a management team that is 100% female, this is something I think about a lot and I think other workplaces should be doing the same. For me, I think about how I can create an environment and culture that supports my team in being able to achieve both their professional goals while starting a family and I think more businesses need to be shifting their thinking in this way.”

LEXI MILES – Founder & CEO of WAXON Waxbar + Laser and South

What’s one piece of advice that you would give to fellow female entrepreneurs looking to grow their business?

“I would just say what I always say which is just go for it. There are a lot of people who are going to tell you not to do it because you’re not prepared or you don’t have a good enough business plan or it doesn’t feel like it’s the right time or the economy is bad. I think if it’s the right thing for you then you just need to go for it. Don’t stop yourself and just take it day by day. You don’t have to go and do what everybody else is doing. I would just take it one step at a time and keep going.”

MIRIAM ALDENFounder, Creative Director and CEO of fashion-brand BRUNETTE The Label

“Being powerful, and confident in who you are doesn’t take just one day, it takes a lifetime. Live the rest of your life the way you live International Women’s Day.”


“It’s the bumpiest , unpaved , uphill road to paradise.”