Meet The NKPR Interns: Sam Detwiler
Summer always brings a fresh crop of interns to NKPR – and we’re grateful for a few extra sets of hands, especially leading up to the Toronto film festival and the NKPR IT Lounge.
In return for bringing their enthusiasm and fresh ideas into the office, these aspiring PR stars get an all access pass to the inner workings of a leading boutique PR firm. It’s a whirlwind course in creative communications, media relations and event production you just won’t find behind ivy-covered walls.
Think you’re up to the challenge? Get in touch to learn more about our internship opportunities.
What do shoes and NKPR have in common? Spend an hour in our office and you’ll notice that the topic of footwear tends tends to worm its way into conversation rather frequently. It’s no surprise, then, to hear that our current intern Sam actually got her start in PR over a pair of shoes during her part-time job at Aldo.
When Aimee, one of NKPR’s account coordinators, stepped in to the store where Sam worked, the two got to chatting, which got Sam to thinking. As a recent graduate of communications and public relations programs, she took down the contact info for NKPR and got in touch not long after.
The underlying message here isn’t about shoes. It’s about seizing the opportunity that’s in front of you, regardless of how nosy or imposing it may feel. That, and always having the nerve to follow up. Read Sam’s story after the jump to find out how a pair shoes got her a summer internship at NKPR.
What did study and where?
“I studied Communications at Laurentian University, then completed a post-graduate program in public relations at Cambrian College.”
Why PR?
“I’m a really outgoing person and love working in a team environment. PR is an exciting industry with new challenges everyday and I like that.”
Salty or sweet?
“Definitely sweet: I love any kind of candy. Especially the little multi-coloured gum called Chews!”
Daily must-read:
“Metro News, Man Repeller and all the people I’m following on Twitter!”
What’s the most exciting/bizarre thing that’s happened to you at NKPR?
“I don’t think that moment has happened yet. Just being an intern at NKPR has been pretty exciting!”
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? How about now?
“As a kid I wanted to be a dancer; I’m not sure why since I was never very good at it. Now I’m striving to be successful in the PR industry.”
Facebook or Twitter?
What company, brand or product would you love to work on?
“I’d love to work on anything related to fashion, beauty or animals. TIFF would be cool too, since I’m a huge movie fan.”
Favourite song-of-the-moment?
“Anything by Teenage Kicks.”
What’s your idea of happiness?
“Being proud of who you are, inside and out.”