NKPR Staff Wish List
Last week we made all sorts of suggestions for gifts to give (and who to give them to), which got us thinking about our own gifting lists: what we plan to give, and (of course) what we hope to get.
Friends and family of NKPR staffers, take note!
I’m giving: Watercolour paintings of deer because I can’t do any Christmas shopping because my ankle is broken. And it takes too long to ship anything to Newfoundland.
I’m hope to get: For Christmas I would like a Freedom Leg Brace or a wheelchair that’s portable so I can leave the house!
I’m giving: A new X-box 360 to my boyfriend…. so that I can kick his butt in Guitar Hero (my guilty pleasure, and although it’s like 6 years old I’m still obsessed).
I hope to get: A new iPod, because my 8Gig is just NOT big enough for all of my TUNES!
I’m giving: a colleague a David’s Tea set. The reason: she LOVES David’s Tea. Like really loves it! It made me happy to give it.
I hope to get: A few days in bed reading The Hunger Games series and watching romantic holiday comedies. I think this one is going to happen. It’s a gift I’m giving myself!
I’m giving: The Thing Quarterly. It’s a ‘quarterly periodical in the form of a useful object’. It’s a gift I give each year; literally the gift that keeps giving (4 very cool objects delivered to your front door throughout the year!).
I hope to get: Anything unexpected!
I’m giving: My dad a membership to Ancestry.com. My mom and dad don’t know much about our family’s history, and I think it would be a nice surprise for Christmas.
I hope to get: This Hudson’s Bay Company Collection Coyote Fur Utility Bag. I honestly can’t get over how amazing the HBC collection is: I AM OBSESSED!
I’m giving: My sister appreciates the small sensual things, so for her brand new house I’m giving Le Labo Candles and Home Fragrances in Anis 24.
I hope to get: Minimalism and Fashion: Reduction in the Postmodern Era by Elyssa Dimant. Translating sartorial modernism into fashion, the images are inspiring and the tone is sophisticated. A must have for fashion lovers!
I’m giving: Dutch Oven Penguin Blanket to my penguin-loving friend Kristin…because Victoria Secret seemed less appropriate for meetings. (Ed. note: Clearly Kristin approved!)
I hope to get: Jewels from Chanel’s Paris Bombay Collection.
I’m giving: A new We-Vibe 3 to my best friend, as she just got engaged.
I hope to get: A ticket to Australia to see my family. If not, then I wish to get a travel voucher, Chanel handbag, anything from Marc Jacobs or a BlackBerry (not a big ask from Santa!)
I’m giving: My non-tech savvy mom a zebra-themed “Momgenda” to record all of our future mother-daughter “dates.”
I hope to get: This mini sweetie Rebecca Minkoff bow bag. Why? What’s one more leopard (look closely…) item in my wardrobe? A perfectly pretty bag for any evening, when all I need is my iPhone, keys, cards and of course my can’t-live-without-you Stila Yumberry Crush Lip & Cheek Stain.
I’m giving: iTunes gift cards.
I hope to get: Essie’s Damsel in a Dress and a lot of chocolate!
What are you giving this holiday season? What’s on your wish list? Tell us in the comments, or tweet us @natashankpr!