NKPR’s Christmas and Hanukkah lists!
December 10, 2010, 7:33 pm
The talk around the office today was Christmas, Hanukkah and what we all want! Here’s a short version of what is really a very long and wonderfully greedy list:
- Dzeneta – a puppy
- Aimee – an iPad
- Andrea – a man
- Emma – bartender kit and martini glasses
- Emily – a Macbook Air
- Jenna – Ryan Reynolds… and she’s serious
- Sarah – a ski trip to Switzerland
- Marissa – Stila MP3 Makeup Player
- Rebecca – the 3 cm-thick TV in the window at Bay/Bloor Radio
- Jeannette – a salon quality blow-dryer
- Bunmi – a day at the spa (hahaha!); 12-15 hours of uninterrupted sleep; a couple of days in bed watching BBC period drama Austen-esque miniseries
As for me… I want peace on earth. And maybe a dark navy blue Birkin. 🙂
I hope this inspires your own list!
XO Natasha