Who we’re following right now!

June 1, 2011, 9:59 pm

Most of us at NKPR are addicted to Twitter. In fact, we’re even kind of competitive about who has the most followers. Every now and then I’ll hear someone excitedly yelp out a number — “354!” — followed by applause, cheering and a challenge to try, if you dare, to “beat that.”

So, as you can imagine, we’ve assembled a nice (although far from complete!) list of favourite Tweeters, err, Twitterers, Twitterati? Anyways, here’s a sample of who we’re following on Twitter right now and why we <3 them.

Brittany: @AndyWarholSays. Warhol always had the best quotes. And when I’m looking for a fashion fix I go to @RWandCO. They post cool behind-the-scenes photos and contests.

Emily: @toromagazine gives me valuable “male brain” insight. I also follow @mindykaling, a TV writer hero of mine (The Office) and a master of the ironic hashtag. Mindy’s great because she doesn’t re-tweet too much, which annoys me — she just posts hilarious original thoughts.

Heather: A tweeter is only as good as their 140-character bio. Judy Blume’s stream? Not as favourable as her books. But her bio? Enviable.

Kaley: @peoplesrev. Kelly Cutrone is pure bad@ss: “You know where happy people end up? On welfare.” #socool

Kristin: @SKYYSpirits. They always have amazing drink recipes! Perfect for new patio cocktail ideas!

Laycee: @ispeakfemale. Because girls have to stick together!!! and the tweets are quotes that every girl should read once in their life! I also like @FollowAMB because the messages are so positive and inspiring.

Andrea: @mashable. Because he always tweets the most interesting information. I’m also a fan of @fila_100 because of the amazing giveaways.

Thary: @StephenAtHome. His tweets always make me laugh.

André: @ralphmarston. A daily dose of motivational messages you can relate to. They are always worthy of a re-tweet.

Aimee: @hypem. The hype machine. It helps me build my rad work-day playlists. And, because it’s summer, @andrea__pro. Great tips, tricks and contests.

Me: @MSiddiqi, @netaporter@nathat, @lisatant… Way too many to list!

Who is your favourite Tweeter? Tweet me @natashankpr
