Set A Daily Wellness Goal With Saje Wellness!
We all pledge to make New Year’s resolutions come January 1st, whether it’s promising to get back to the gym, meal prep on Sunday’s, get a full 8 hours of sleep, the list goes on… But setting such large goals can sometimes put a lot of pressure on ourselves to commit and see those goals through, especially when we don’t quite know where to start.
Saje Wellness recently launched their #SpreadWellness campaign, encouraging their community to set and celebrate daily wellness goals. Kiara LeBlanc, VP of Brand and Creative Director at Saje, says it best: setting a daily wellness goal is a commitment that she makes to herself that invests in her happiness. Watch members of the Saje team explain the concept of #SpreadWellness including their own personal wellness goal in the video below….
The NKPR team accepted the Saje Wellness #SpreadWellness challenge! See some of our daily wellness goals:
Natasha: I’m pledging to take more time for me. That includes taking the time to stretch before AND after every workout instead of rushing through it.
Kristin: My wellness goal is to workout in the morning before coming into the office. It gets me energized for the day!
Erin: Daily office squats starting today!!
Cassie: Eat whole, healthy foods and snacks and drink lots of water; Go to the gym at least three times a week; Set aside a little “me” time every day.
Aisosa: My wellness goal is to try and drink 1L of water a day!
Olena: My wellness goal is to get 8 hours of sleep every night.
Cait: Get 8 hours of sleep; Start every day with a sun salutation; Quit smoking; Be aware of posture at desk (and stop slouching).
Lauren: My wellness goal is to get stronger!! I want to commit to the gym 5x a week this month. Even if it means a 5:30AM wakeup!
Katie: My daily wellness goal is to take a 10-15 walk during my work day!
Nathan: My wellness goal for today is to drink an entire 1 litre of Flow Water.
Rebecca: My wellness goal is to work out 3 days a week!
Yulia: I’d like to drink more water each day and get into the habit of healthy snacking (Flow Water and Eat Nakd snacks will be my go-to!).
Now, we’re challenging you! What daily wellness goal(s) will you set for yourself? Tweet us at @natashankpr and be sure to tag @SajeWellness + #SpreadWellness to join the conversation!