Women Who Inspire Us

April 13, 2011, 2:33 pm

This blog post is for the ladies! 🙂 On April 20, I’ll be taking part in a roundtable session called “The Power of Female Bloggers” as part of the 2011 Marketing to Women Conference.

With Kristin Laird moderating and Donna Marie Antoniadis, Mia Pearson and Elaine Kunda on the panel, I’m in incredible company! While I was talking about the event with my team, we got to thinking about the women we most admire (our moms not included!). Here’s our list, in no particular order:

Emily: Tina Fey. She reminds the world that women are funny, too.

Jeannette: Ayn Rand. She inspired and motivated me at a pivotal point in my life. (I read everything I could find that she had written, including her unfinished works.)

Jenna: Renee Fleming. Her singing voice is powerful and pure, incredibly rich and totally seductive. Listening to her is hypnotizing…

Nicole: Germaine Greer. She’s a revolutionary and one of the most significant feminist voices. She’s a living legend!

Heather: Martha Stewart. Model-turned-stockbroker-turned-jailbird-turned-one woman empire. She created a personal brand, and when that was tarnished, she re-invented it and herself. Plus, she made it okay for women to enjoy cooking and decorating without a Stepford-wife stigma.

André: Alicia Keys. Gorgeous, successful and talented. Most of all, a very active philanthropist.

Lauren: The big O(prah). Do I get a car now?

Thary: Tina Fey. Smart, funny and beautiful. Everything I wish I could be.

Kaley: Joni Mitchell circa l970. Her voice makes me smile a lot. If she could sing to me forever and ever that would be so great.

As for me…

  • Marilyn Monroe – She was fragile, kind, real, beautiful, talented… and NOT skinny!! 🙂
  • Arianna Huffington – She is super smart, bold, not afraid to speak her mind. And she makes sh*t happen!
  • Angelina Jolie – Love how she gives back, and not just financially, but in every way. She knows her priorities, is a great mother and unapologetic.
  • Madonna – She is so strong.

What women inspire you? Tweet me at @natashankpr.

XO Natasha